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Explanations and answers to your questions

The cremation process: explanations and answers to your questions.

In Quebec, cremation is, along with burial, one of the most commonly used techniques for disposing of remains.


Before the cremation

When the deceased arrives at the crematorium, the transport attendant places him or her in a cremation container chosen by the family. An identification label is affixed to the container. The body is then stored at 4°C until cremation. In preparation for cremation, the cremation technician checks that the documents authorizing cremation have been signed by the deceased’s family. He must also check that the death certificate has been signed by the doctor or coroner.

What is cremation?

First, the cremation technician ensures they have the right body. When everything is in place, they carry out the cremation. Cremation is a process whereby the body is incinerated to reduce it to ash at high temperature. The body is placed in a coffin or container and inserted into a crematorium preheated to 1200 degrees Celsius. After cremation, bone fragments remain (cremated remains). Once cooled, they are pulverized into a fine powder that forms the ashes. These remains are placed in the funeral urn purchased by the family. An identification token inside the urn and the cremation certificate ensure that the deceased is identified at all times.

Returning of the ashes

Following the cremation, an appointment is made for the ashes to be returned to the family. A representative of Services Funéraires Azur delivers the urn containing the ashes as well as the legal documentation to your home. It is also possible to collect ashes directly from our crematorium.


Is it possible to attend the cremation?

It is possible for relatives to attend the cremation under certain conditions.

Is it necessary to make funeral arrangements, even if cremation is chosen?

Cremation offers an economical, environmentally-friendly and flexible solution for funeral arrangements, allowing personalized tribute and simplified management of ashes.

What are our options for disposing of ashes?

You may choose to bury your urn in the ground at a cemetery. In this case, a bronze plaque or monument can be used to mark its location.

Indoor and outdoor columbaria are also available in many cemeteries, places of worship and funeral homes. The columbariums consist of compartments (niches) for urns.

Cremation offers several options for the disposal of ashes. In addition to burial in the ground or in a niche, ashes can be retained by a family member or placed in another location chosen by the deceased.

Is there another way to dispose of my ashes?

It is possible to have your ashes scattered in a meaningful place, as long as this ritual is permitted by the local authorities. However, it’s best to discuss this option with your loved ones, as they may find your decision too difficult and emotional. What’s more, they may prefer to have a fixed place to gather in your memory.

Is it possible to keep ashes at home?

Of course you can! Funeral urns are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes and materials. So it’s easy to keep your loved one’s urn at home, if you prefer. If you or your loved one have not chosen a place of burial and would like to take some time to think about it, it’s perfectly possible to keep the urn.

If you have any further questions or concerns about cremation, please do not hesitate to contact us.